The images below are a selection from face-to-face interviews that I conducted with Moreland residents around their attitudes and experiences towards hard rubbish.
The questions were:
- What was the most memorable thing that you have seen in hard rubbish in your area?
- What types of things are you throwing out in your pile? Is there anything that you are especially glad or find difficult to throw away?
- If you could organise hard rubbish any way you like, how would you run it?
- What is your perspectives on material possessions - are you a hoarder or a tosser?
- Is there anything else you'd like to say about hard rubbish?

These next images are a selection from a large set of long exposure night photographs in the same area. These images take an opposite approach to the day interviews, giving space for the hard rubbish to stand alone in a nocturnal world without people.