This research project formed part of the transformational learning subject in my Social Ecology masters. It explores my interest in people's own view of their ability to make positive social change. To do this I wrote and disseminated a brief online survey to approximately 30 (largely) self-identified social change agents.
- Their collated anonymous full responses can be found here.
- I analysed these responses and wrote a research paper that can be found here.
- If you would like to take the survey itself, or know a friend who might, the survey is still current and the link is here.
Survey Questions
- Brief question: How do you currently 'create positive change' in the world?
- Brief question: What 'world(s)' do you create this change in?
- Brief question: What does 'positive change' mean for you personally in these context(s)?
- In the context of your replies above, how would you currently describe your own agency - your capacity to change the world for the better?
- Describe one or two specific key transformational experience(s) in your life that changed your perception of your own ability to make positive change? How did these changes occur?
- How much of an factor were group or social interactions compared with your own individual growth in these experiences? Please explain.
- Please reflect on your experience of completing this survey. How did the process of articulating your experiences and self-perceptions makes you feel? Does it reinforce or weaken particular self-beliefs?
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