This student group was co-founded by myself and small group of other progressive students in 2003 who were discontent with the right-wing dominated student union and the lack of progressive discussion and organisation beyond the usual socialist and green groups. The historic first Tuesday meeting was held on the grass outside the Ballieu library as meeting spaces were usually denied to left groups in the Student Union.
Students for Change had weekly meeting and discussions around topical issues, as well as putting on events, such as Reconciliation Week. It transformed into a sizeable left election ticket for the memorable 2003 elections, being eventually disqualified because of a questionable technicality in one of the most controversial student elections in the union's long history. Shortly after the Union itself was put into liquidation due to the mismanagement of the previous administrations.
Amazingly, many of the Students of Change people stayed involved and went onto become Office Bearers in the new union. Others left to study law, or fine art as with myself. The group changed its name to Activate and is still a dominant player in the Student Union, particular amongst the Women's, Queer, and Environment departments.

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